

00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (C) 2010 Stefan Westerfeld
00003  *
00004  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00005  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
00006  * Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
00007  * option) any later version.
00008  *
00009  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00010  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00011  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
00012  * for more details.
00013  *
00014  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00015  * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
00016  */
00018 #ifndef SPECTMORPH_MATH_HH
00019 #define SPECTMORPH_MATH_HH
00021 #include <math.h>
00022 #include <glib.h>
00023 #include <string.h>
00024 #include <stdlib.h>
00025 #include <bse/bseieee754.h>
00026 #ifdef __SSE__
00027 #include <xmmintrin.h>
00028 #endif
00030 namespace SpectMorph
00031 {
00036 struct
00037 VectorSinParams
00038 {
00039   double mix_freq;         
00040   double freq;             
00041   double phase;            
00042   double mag;              
00044   enum {
00045     NONE = -1,
00046     ADD  = 1,              
00047     REPLACE = 2            
00048   } mode;                  
00050   VectorSinParams() :
00051     mix_freq (-1),
00052     freq (-1),
00053     phase (-100),
00054     mag (-1),
00055     mode (NONE)
00056   {
00057   }
00058 };
00060 template<class Iterator, int MODE>
00061 inline void
00062 internal_fast_vector_sin (const VectorSinParams& params, Iterator begin, Iterator end)
00063 {
00064   g_return_if_fail (params.mix_freq > 0 && params.freq > 0 && params.phase > -99 && params.mag > 0);
00066   const double phase_inc = params.freq / params.mix_freq * 2 * M_PI;
00067   const double inc_re = cos (phase_inc);
00068   const double inc_im = sin (phase_inc);
00069   int n = 0;
00071   double state_re;
00072   double state_im;
00074   sincos (params.phase, &state_im, &state_re);
00075   state_re *= params.mag;
00076   state_im *= params.mag;
00078   for (Iterator x = begin; x != end; x++)
00079     {
00080       if (MODE == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00081         *x = state_im;
00082       else
00083         *x += state_im;
00084       if ((n++ & 255) == 255)
00085         {
00086           sincos (phase_inc * n + params.phase, &state_im, &state_re);
00087           state_re *= params.mag;
00088           state_im *= params.mag;
00089         }
00090       else
00091         {
00092           /*
00093            * (state_re + i * state_im) * (inc_re + i * inc_im) =
00094            *   state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im + i * (state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re)
00095            */
00096           const double re = state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im;
00097           const double im = state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re;
00098           state_re = re;
00099           state_im = im;
00100         }
00101     }
00102 }
00104 template<class Iterator, int MODE>
00105 inline void
00106 internal_fast_vector_sincos (const VectorSinParams& params, Iterator sin_begin, Iterator sin_end, Iterator cos_begin)
00107 {
00108   g_return_if_fail (params.mix_freq > 0 && params.freq > 0 && params.phase > -99 && params.mag > 0);
00110   const double phase_inc = params.freq / params.mix_freq * 2 * M_PI;
00111   const double inc_re = cos (phase_inc);
00112   const double inc_im = sin (phase_inc);
00113   int n = 0;
00115   double state_re;
00116   double state_im;
00118   sincos (params.phase, &state_im, &state_re);
00119   state_re *= params.mag;
00120   state_im *= params.mag;
00122   for (Iterator x = sin_begin, y = cos_begin; x != sin_end; x++, y++)
00123     {
00124       if (MODE == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00125         {
00126           *x = state_im;
00127           *y = state_re;
00128         }
00129       else
00130         {
00131           *x += state_im;
00132           *y += state_re;
00133         }
00134       if ((n++ & 255) == 255)
00135         {
00136           sincos (phase_inc * n + params.phase, &state_im, &state_re);
00137           state_re *= params.mag;
00138           state_im *= params.mag;
00139         }
00140       else
00141         {
00142           /*
00143            * (state_re + i * state_im) * (inc_re + i * inc_im) =
00144            *   state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im + i * (state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re)
00145            */
00146           const double re = state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im;
00147           const double im = state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re;
00148           state_re = re;
00149           state_im = im;
00150         }
00151     }
00152 }
00154 template<class Iterator>
00155 inline void
00156 fast_vector_sin (const VectorSinParams& params, Iterator sin_begin, Iterator sin_end)
00157 {
00158   if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::ADD)
00159     {
00160       internal_fast_vector_sin<Iterator, VectorSinParams::ADD> (params, sin_begin, sin_end);
00161     }
00162   else if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00163     {
00164       internal_fast_vector_sin<Iterator, VectorSinParams::REPLACE> (params, sin_begin, sin_end);
00165     }
00166   else
00167     {
00168       g_assert_not_reached();
00169     }
00170 }
00172 template<class Iterator>
00173 inline void
00174 fast_vector_sincos (const VectorSinParams& params, Iterator sin_begin, Iterator sin_end, Iterator cos_begin)
00175 {
00176   if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::ADD)
00177     {
00178       internal_fast_vector_sincos<Iterator, VectorSinParams::ADD> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, cos_begin);
00179     }
00180   else if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00181     {
00182       internal_fast_vector_sincos<Iterator, VectorSinParams::REPLACE> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, cos_begin);
00183     }
00184   else
00185     {
00186       g_assert_not_reached();
00187     }
00188 }
00192 /* see: http://ds9a.nl/gcc-simd/ */
00193 union F4Vector
00194 {
00195   float f[4];
00196 #ifdef __SSE__
00197   __m128 v;   // vector of four single floats
00198 #endif
00199 };
00202 template<bool NEED_COS, int MODE>
00203 inline void
00204 internal_fast_vector_sincosf (const VectorSinParams& params, float *sin_begin, float *sin_end, float *cos_begin)
00205 {
00206 #ifdef __SSE__
00207   g_return_if_fail (params.mix_freq > 0 && params.freq > 0 && params.phase > -99 && params.mag > 0);
00209   const int TABLE_SIZE = 32;
00211   const double phase_inc = params.freq / params.mix_freq * 2 * M_PI;
00212   const double inc_re16 = cos (phase_inc * TABLE_SIZE * 4);
00213   const double inc_im16 = sin (phase_inc * TABLE_SIZE * 4);
00214   int n = 0;
00216   double state_re;
00217   double state_im;
00219   sincos (params.phase, &state_im, &state_re);
00220   state_re *= params.mag;
00221   state_im *= params.mag;
00223   F4Vector incf_re[TABLE_SIZE];
00224   F4Vector incf_im[TABLE_SIZE];
00226   // compute tables using FPU
00227   VectorSinParams table_params = params;
00228   table_params.phase = 0;
00229   table_params.mag = 1;
00230   table_params.mode = VectorSinParams::REPLACE;
00231   fast_vector_sincos (table_params, incf_im[0].f, incf_im[0].f + (TABLE_SIZE * 4), incf_re[0].f);
00233   // inner loop using SSE instructions
00234   int todo = sin_end - sin_begin;
00235   while (todo >= 4 * TABLE_SIZE)
00236     {
00237       F4Vector sf_re;
00238       F4Vector sf_im;
00239       sf_re.f[0] = state_re;
00240       sf_re.f[1] = state_re;
00241       sf_re.f[2] = state_re;
00242       sf_re.f[3] = state_re;
00243       sf_im.f[0] = state_im;
00244       sf_im.f[1] = state_im;
00245       sf_im.f[2] = state_im;
00246       sf_im.f[3] = state_im;
00248       /*
00249        * formula for complex multiplication:
00250        *
00251        * (state_re + i * state_im) * (inc_re + i * inc_im) =
00252        *   state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im + i * (state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re)
00253        */
00254       F4Vector *new_im = reinterpret_cast<F4Vector *> (sin_begin + n);
00255       F4Vector *new_re = reinterpret_cast<F4Vector *> (cos_begin + n);
00256       for (int k = 0; k < TABLE_SIZE; k++)
00257         {
00258           if (MODE == VectorSinParams::ADD)
00259             {
00260               if (NEED_COS)
00261                 {
00262                   new_re[k].v = _mm_add_ps (new_re[k].v, _mm_sub_ps (_mm_mul_ps (sf_re.v, incf_re[k].v),
00263                                                                      _mm_mul_ps (sf_im.v, incf_im[k].v)));
00264                 }
00265               new_im[k].v = _mm_add_ps (new_im[k].v, _mm_add_ps (_mm_mul_ps (sf_re.v, incf_im[k].v),
00266                                                      _mm_mul_ps (sf_im.v, incf_re[k].v)));
00267             }
00268           else
00269             {
00270               if (NEED_COS)
00271                 {
00272                   new_re[k].v = _mm_sub_ps (_mm_mul_ps (sf_re.v, incf_re[k].v),
00273                                             _mm_mul_ps (sf_im.v, incf_im[k].v));
00274                 }
00275               new_im[k].v = _mm_add_ps (_mm_mul_ps (sf_re.v, incf_im[k].v),
00276                                         _mm_mul_ps (sf_im.v, incf_re[k].v));
00277             }
00278         }
00280       n += 4 * TABLE_SIZE;
00282       /*
00283        * (state_re + i * state_im) * (inc_re + i * inc_im) =
00284        *   state_re * inc_re - state_im * inc_im + i * (state_re * inc_im + state_im * inc_re)
00285        */
00286       const double re = state_re * inc_re16 - state_im * inc_im16;
00287       const double im = state_re * inc_im16 + state_im * inc_re16;
00288       state_re = re;
00289       state_im = im;
00291       todo -= 4 * TABLE_SIZE;
00292     }
00294   // compute the remaining sin/cos values using the FPU
00295   VectorSinParams rest_params = params;
00296   rest_params.phase += n * phase_inc;
00297   if (NEED_COS)
00298     fast_vector_sincos (rest_params, sin_begin + n, sin_end, cos_begin + n);
00299   else
00300     fast_vector_sin (rest_params, sin_begin + n, sin_end);
00301 #else
00302   if (NEED_COS)
00303     fast_vector_sincos (params, sin_begin, sin_end, cos_begin);
00304   else
00305     fast_vector_sin (params, sin_begin, sin_end);
00306 #endif
00307 }
00309 inline void
00310 fast_vector_sincosf (const VectorSinParams& params, float *sin_begin, float *sin_end, float *cos_begin)
00311 {
00312   if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::ADD)
00313     {
00314       internal_fast_vector_sincosf<true, VectorSinParams::ADD> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, cos_begin);
00315     }
00316   else if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00317     {
00318       internal_fast_vector_sincosf<true, VectorSinParams::REPLACE> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, cos_begin);
00319     }
00320   else
00321     {
00322       g_assert_not_reached();
00323     }
00324 }
00326 inline void
00327 fast_vector_sinf (const VectorSinParams& params, float *sin_begin, float *sin_end)
00328 {
00329   if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::ADD)
00330     {
00331       internal_fast_vector_sincosf<false, VectorSinParams::ADD> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, NULL);
00332     }
00333   else if (params.mode == VectorSinParams::REPLACE)
00334     {
00335       internal_fast_vector_sincosf<false, VectorSinParams::REPLACE> (params, sin_begin, sin_end, NULL);
00336     }
00337   else
00338     {
00339       g_assert_not_reached();
00340     }
00341 }
00343 inline void
00344 zero_float_block (size_t n_values, float *values)
00345 {
00346   memset (values, 0, n_values * sizeof (float));
00347 }
00349 inline void
00350 int_sincos (guint8 i, double *si, double *ci)
00351 {
00352   extern float *int_sincos_table;
00354   *si = int_sincos_table[i];
00355   i += 64;
00356   *ci = int_sincos_table[i];
00357 }
00359 inline void
00360 int_sincosf (guint8 i, float *si, float *ci)
00361 {
00362   extern float *int_sincos_table;
00364   *si = int_sincos_table[i];
00365   i += 64;
00366   *ci = int_sincos_table[i];
00367 }
00369 inline void
00370 int_sincos_init()
00371 {
00372   extern float *int_sincos_table;
00374   int_sincos_table = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * 256);
00375   for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
00376     int_sincos_table[i] = sin (double (i / 256.0) * 2 * M_PI);
00377 }
00379 inline double
00380 window_blackman_harris_92 (double x)
00381 {
00382   if (fabs (x) > 1)
00383     return 0;
00385   const double a0 = 0.35875, a1 = 0.48829, a2 = 0.14128, a3 = 0.01168;
00387   return a0 + a1 * cos (M_PI * x) + a2 * cos (2.0 * M_PI * x) + a3 * cos (3.0 * M_PI * x);
00388 }
00390 #if defined (__i386__) && defined (__GNUC__)
00391 inline int
00392 sm_round_positive (double d)
00393 {
00394   return bse_dtoi (d);
00395 }
00397 inline int
00398 sm_round_positive (float f)
00399 {
00400   return bse_ftoi (f);
00401 }
00402 #else
00403 inline int
00404 sm_round_positive (double d)
00405 {
00406   return int (d + 0.5);
00407 }
00409 inline int
00410 sm_round_positive (float f)
00411 {
00412   return int (f + 0.5);
00413 }
00414 #endif
00416 } // namespace SpectMorph
00418 #endif
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